Palestinians to March Home en masse on Land Day
7 years ago monty 0
This Thursday 29th March 2018

Join us at 10:30am
outside the Elbit Israeli Arms Factory “UAV Engines” in Shenstone, in Lichfield WS14 0DT, Staffordshire to stand in solidarity with the “Palestinian Right of Return March” taking place on Land Day in Gaza and across Palestine.
If Palestinians will do it facing live ammunition from the Israeli army, then we should stand with them here.
The assault on Gaza of 2014 which killed over 2,200 Palestinians, including 561 children sleeping peacefully in their beds, was one of the most brutal examples of Israel’s ongoing occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Elbit Systems is the most iconic accomplice to israel’s crimes profiting from the illegal occupation At the time, activists occupied Elbit’s factory in Shenstone, halting its operations and costing Elbit over £100,000.
Friday 30th March is Palestinian Land Day and thousands of Palestinians will march courageously en masse towards their homes in Palestine from where they have been violently forced out. They will be marching forward knowing they face the Israeli army who will open fire on them. We will demonstrate at the UAV Israeli Arms factory Thursday 29th, the last day it is open before Easter.
Join us in demanding a two-way military embargo on arms sales with Israel and Stand with Palestinians returning to their land against Israel’s brutal army.

Birmingham Palestine Action are leading the action. Email; to contact. Twitter: @brumpalestine
Our action will be a creative, non-violent picket and rally outside the factory gates to demand the factory’s closure. We will be starting at 10 30 am
Map of the factory:
Shenstone is a small village outside Birmingham, accessible by National Rail trains. The Elbit factory, UAV ENGINES, is five minutes walk from Shenstone railway station which is on the Longbridge Lichfield cross city line.Trains are every 15 minutes from New Street station.
If you are coming from a big city where there is an active Palestine Solidarity movement it might make more sense to book a mini-bus or coach instead – please coordinate with us via our email (above).
There will be at least one car going from London. Seats available; email; to share car
Pots, pans, air horns, megaphones, any noise-making devices.
Red, green, black and white ribbons to tie on the fence and kites,
Email to; to share car leaving London at 07:30 on Thursday morning 29 March
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