
United Nations; Economic & Social Commission for Western Asia

7 years ago faa 0
Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid: Palestine and the Israeli Occupation, Issue No. 1 E/ESCWA/ECRI/2017/1 Issued in: 2017 This report examines, based on key instruments of international law, whether Israel has established an apartheid regime that oppresses and dominates the Palestinian people as a whole. Having established that the crime of Read More

#IraeliApartheidWeek actions by Football Against Apartheid

7 years ago faa 0
Football Against Apartheid (FAA)  has kicked off its campaign with actions at three major events over the weekend of 25 & 26 Feb.    The campaigners against the  extreme form of racism known as “Apartheid”  kicked off the week at”The Bridge” as the Chelsea home stadium is known.  Some of the action is captured here on Read More

We are saddened to witness the early collapse of a Labour hopeful. Where are you heading Owen?

7 years ago faa 0
Thursday, 16 February 2017                                                             Tony Greenstein Owen Jones – the Final Betrayal – Supporting Zionist Apartheid & the Jewish Labour Movement Supporting Israeli Apartheid and the Palestinians is not compatible   Its difficult to know who could possibly think Jones is a racist stooge – his mum? The eviction less than a month ago of Read More

Brave Israeli Refusers Need Your Help, NOW

8 years ago faa 0
Support the young Israeli Jewish women who Refuse to Serve in Israel’s Occupation Forces & be part of the Criminal Majority Please read this message from Tair Kaminer, who spent 159 days in jail for publicly refusing to enlist. Tair went to prison about 6 times, for renewable periods of about 28 days, because she Read More

A Glimpse at the Zionist Record During the Holocaust

8 years ago faa 0
Why Ken Livingstone was right By Tony Greenstein         Socialist, anti-Zionist, anti-racist  02 July 2016 After the head of the Gestapo’s Jewish Desk – Baron von Mildenstein visited Jewish Palestine he wrote a series of 12 articles praising the Zionist settlement in Der Angriff Goebbel’s paper After Ken Livingstone stated that Hitler supported Zionism, there Read More

I’m Jewish, and I want people to boycott Israel

8 years ago faa 0
  The country must be held accountable for its human rights abuses. By Rebecca Vilkomerson June 24 at 9:34 AM Rebecca Vilkomerson is the executive director of Jewish Voice for Peace.   In 2009, I was living in Tel Aviv during Operation Cast Lead. During that offensive, Israel killed about 1,400 Palestinians in Gaza. When small Read More